Dear Sister,
Our path may change as life goes along, but the bond between us remains ever strong.

Her legacy will live on forever - Your Brother Basim

To fall asleep in her arms was to feel a gentle comfort. Probably like falling asleep on a cloud.
You taught us this gentle love.

Small caramel correto with lactose free skimmed milk, half the sweetener but extra drizzle on top. Oh and no whipped cream.

Loving, passionate, genuine, caring, kind-hearted, lovable, beautiful - Your Cousin Lara

"Learn to choose your battles"
Khalto Renda's memory of words from Hanan

...and then she lay there in peace, ready for her graduation from life. She surpassed us all, she lived, she learned, she loved. - Your Cousin Dareen

Our first niece that filled us with joy and love that no one will ever replace her space, she is in our hearts for ever and ever - Your Khalto Linda

"Don't let the rain of hurt, burn out the fire in your heart" This was her message.

A passing ends a life, but never a relationship. Together was her favorite place to be! Together we still are.

Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.

Genuine, elegant, philanthropic.
You saw things differently
- Your Cousin Nancy

I know that if I saw Hanan in heaven, she would come and hold my hand. Her gentle love is a rare gift from nature.

Daughter, Sister, Cousin, Friend, Aunt, God Mother, Wife, Sister-in-law A true angel in life.

The life of those passed is placed in the memory of those living. You have not left us.

Our angel just got her wings - Your Brother Basim

There is one thing that lasts forever, it is love.
Hanan was love and so Hanan is forever.

It's ok now because the cancer left your body. Thank you for playing with me. I love you Hanan - Your Cousin's Son, Ryan

Caring, loving, gentle, affectionate, charismatic, charming gracious, considerate. A joy to be around. Ya hayati Hanan you are missed so much - Your Cousin Lama

I want to run a marathon in honour of Hanan
- Your Cousin Maher

Cousins are the first friends we have, no one will understand your crazy family the way your cousins do. Hanan was the oldest of 18 cousins on her mom's side. We always had questions for her about our family and our history, she always had answers and she always added a special touch of love.

A love so strong, a love like Hanan's, does not merely leave, it spreads to the farthest lengths that it ever could. You inspire me! - Your Cousin Dana

We'll sneak in the sugar to the matte, too bad for the adults. I'll drink two in a row so he sugar fades before I pass it on to the parents, don't you worry - Dareen remembers words forom Hanan

She loved candles.

Right, her cousins are crashing her dance with Rabih. Her love was so dear, everybody wanted a piece.

"Lemons, I love the smell of lemons!"

Thank you for the limo ride. You fulfilled my wish.

Hanan loved matte & we all know why. Matte brings people closer. It is shared and enjoyed together.

"No no, it's ok I don't want to make them feel troubled" She was truly compassionate.

She came down to watch over us in the form of a butterfly. She came to say hello - Your Niece Natalie

"How do you want your nails done?" She was truly talented.

"When is the next gathering? I look forward to them so so much." Khalto Julie remembers Hanan

I remember volunteering at the kids summer camp with her. She was my idol that summer. I remember thinking how I loved her patience and charisma. The kids loved her. She would have made an amazing mother. She's going to be greatly missed - Your Cousin Nadine

... and when our cousin Walid saw the picture to your left on Facebook, he said "I want in" and Hanan replied, in her loving way "you are ya walloud....look in each of our hearts you will find yourself there!!!! especially mine...muahhhhh"

The person in this painting is Hanan. With all the struggles that this world put her through, she remained as bright as the sun and kept her inner peace, all the while spreading her love outwards, and giving her heart to everyone around her. Thank you Hanan Love Dareen

Now let's have some fun and turn back time a little bit...

Standing next to a mother who loves her children with indescribably, immense love that we call her, SUPER MOM

and on the back of the picture, Hanan wrote a message to her younger brother...

I can't seem to forget her voice saying "how are you hayateh inteh" the ring of her voice is constant in my ear. The way she says ya hayateh puts ease in anyone's soul - Your cousin Salma

She always asked about everyone to make sure they are ok - Salma remembers Hanan

"Shoot ya Allah" I can hear her say

She was always the second person to say good morning on what'sapp after Julie - Your Khalto Amal

She made us feel on top of the moon when we spoke to her because it was not possible to ever finish the convo on a sad note - Salma remembers Hanan

I see you in my heart - Your Cousin's Son Jad

When her cousin Omar was a teenager, I asked him who is the type of person you would like to be your wife, his reply (with no hesitation) was "like Hanan" I asked why? He replied "can't you see, she is perfect"

She did not want to miss anything that she could share with us - Your Khalto Amal

Nana, did you know? Your mama loved every moment of your life. She screams if a needle tries to come close to you, she will kick and push and say "this is my baby" - Your Khalto Amal